Our Guarantee

TransitionTV Guarantee

We are highly confident about the work we do! Our guarantees are a benchmark of our business.

Guarantee Coverage

If TransitionTV installs a new system that cannot obtain the desired stations possible for your area, we will replace your system at no charge or offer a partial refund, and you get to keep the system. Because antenna reception can vary widely from location to location, this guarantee is based on the DTV Reception Maps from the FCC governmental agency and used as a guideline for fairness. The FCC is solely in control of where station transmitters are located, what frequency they can use, how high the station tower can be and how much power they can transmit. Each station is subject to varying rules set by the FCC, which leaves antenna reception viewers at the mercy of those rules. In addition, factors like trees, buildings, hills, and other obstacles between your location and the transmitter are also a factor. Weather, atmospheric changes, seasons, FM, LTE, Ham Radio, CB, Marine, Fire, Police, Ambulance transmissions, and LED lights and electrical devices are other forms of reception interference that we have no control over. 

Therefore, this guarantee covers the green (strong) highlighted stations from the DTV Maps at this link https://www.fcc.gov/media/engineering/dtvmaps.

Yellow highlighted stations are expected to have occasional reception issues, and orange highlighted stations are expected to have frequent trouble. We do not offer any refunds for Yellow (moderate signals) or Orange (weak signals) but do still come out up to 3 times in the first year for free to see what we can do to help with any stations on the DTV Maps list. 

Things we can employ to help mitigate reception issues are the height of your antenna, exact roof placement, the correct antenna used, and an amplifier if needed. In addition, antenna alignment, grounding, filtering methods, identifying interfering sources from within the home. Plus, signal levels and signal quality, proper coax, coax impairment repairs, splitters and home equipment, and solid knowledge and understanding of the radio frequencies used by the stations. As you can see, there are many things we can do to help and some things that are entirely out of our control, as first mentioned above. 

TransitionTV No Lemon Policy

If your system’s installed antenna equipment fails within the first year from installation, we will happily install and replace the faulty equipment at no charge. Equipment is guaranteed 100% for the first year.

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Money-Back No Frustration Guarantee

When the equipment is not the problem: 

If your antenna system fails to receive specific stations that your area calls for in the first year, we will fix or adjust these systems free of charge described as follows: 

If we can’t get the job done right after up to 3 total attempts, we will refund you 50% of the original cost, and you still get to keep the system. This partial refund is for our valued customer to hopefully offset some of the frustration and aggravation associated with this problem, but also pay us a partial amount for the work and equipment. 

Just as anyone would not go to work if their boss asked them to come in and work for free for a day, neither should it be expected that we volunteer our time when called out to perform an install–this is why we incorporate a 50/50 refund for fairness to all parties. But no worries, we are really, really good at fixing TV reception performance issues and our reputation matters to us. Customers always come first!

Property Protection Guarantee

You can count on TransitionTV service techs to wear protective shoe covers and face masks when we visit your home if asked. Our workers are fully vaccinated, but your peace of mind is important to us. We will also use proper safety precautions and gear when on your property. We do our utmost to protect all of your property during our visit and installation, including roofs, driveways, lawns, shrubbery, floors, carpets, walls, door frames, and furniture. Any damaged property caused by us will be replaced or repaired if necessary. We are fully bonded and insured. 

1 Year Ultimate Test Drive

Because seasons and atmospheric conditions affect TV reception, we offer a full one-year guarantee as described above for new antenna installs to allow for adjustments needed to accommodate the fluctuating seasonal changes. This is where the three free visits come into play, as described above. No one else is as confident and competent as we are. But, don’t take our word for it; read our competitor’s websites and compare policies–most don’t even have a guarantee policy.

90 Day Guarantee for Repairs

Often times Transition TV makes repairs to antenna systems that other companies installed. We can not guarantee their work. However, for antenna system repairs, customers will receive a 90-day period where we come out for free up to 2 additional times total at no extra charge for labor. After that, we may recommend upgrading your equipment for an additional charge if needed.